
From Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum
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Transliteration: ạ?
Original script: A14 d?

Object: AK-1 rock (stone)
(Inscriptions: AK-1.1, AK-1.2, AK-1.3, AK-1.4, AK-1.5, AK-1.6, AK-1.7, AK-1.8, AK-1.9, AK-1.10, AK-1.11, AK-1.12, AK-1.13, AK-1.14, AK-1.15, AK-1.16, AK-1.17, AK-1.18, AK-1.19, AK-1.20, AK-1.21)
Position: bottom, right
Orientation: 90°
Script: unknown
Direction of writing: dextroverse
Letter height: 1010 cm <br /> – 16 cm
Number of lines: 1
Craftsmanship: engraved
Current condition: damaged
Date of inscription: unknown
Date derived from:

Type: unknown
Language: unknown
Meaning: unknown

Alternative sigla: TM 653501



Not previously published. Examined by TIR in July 2014.

Image in Mandl 2011: Abb. 141 (photo).

The remains of a vertical inscription on Bildstelle 4. Only traces are visible, starting at about 50 cm from the ground, apparently running upward. The first letter may be a very tall A14 d (~ 16 cm), followed by three shorter hastae with the traces of bars slanting down on the right – a variety of letters is possible if they are as tall as A14 d and their upper parts are destroyed by erosion. Further traces can be seen at about 15 cm above the area referred to (tall A3 d?) and possibly also above the curved crack – it is not possible to determine how far the inscription extended. No further reading can be offered.


Mandl 2011 Franz Mandl, Felsbilder. Österreich – Bayern: Nördliche Kalkalpen [= Anisa – Verein für alpine Forschung 4], Haus im Ennstal: 2011.