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Transliteration: piþiekerpinake
Original script: P dI dÞ sI dE dK dE dR dP dI dN dA8 dK dE d

Object: MA-10 antler (antler)
Position: front
Script: North Italic script (Magrè alphabet)
Direction of writing: dextroverse
Letter height: 0.80.8 cm <br /> – 1.5 cm
Number of letters: 14
Number of lines: 1
Craftsmanship: engraved
Current condition: complete
Date of inscription: 3rd–2nd centuries BC [from object]
Date derived from: archaeological context [from object]

Language: Raetic
Meaning: 'Piθie ? dedicated'

Alternative sigla: PID 229
MLR 62
TM 218483
Sources: Schumacher 2004: 163, 339


First published in Pellegrini 1918: 187 (no. 17).

Images in Pellegrini 1918: 187, fig. 24 (drawing), IR (photo tav. XL a = LIR), LIR (drawings), MLR (photos).

Length 6.7 cm. With deeply incised letters on a well preserved object, the inscription is in excellent condition and very well legible. It starts at the broad end of the antler piece, running along the upper edge. Two words appear to be spelled incorrectly: The sequence piþie can be identified with the individual name piθie occurring in MA-5 and MA-6 – the dental is here written with the special Magrè character for the dental affricate, turned against writing direction. Between it and the next letter Iota, two bars in the upper area form an angle, leading Whatmough to read inverted Nu instead of Iota. They are more likely a document of some confusion on the writer's part. Iota is particularly deeply engraved to make the reading clear. ker is opaque. The sequence pinake must be þinaχe (with Kappa instead of Khi also in MA-9) – conceivably the writer was not well acquainted with the use of the Magrè special character. For inverted Alpha cp. MA-1.

On the back, at the broader end, an arrangement of intersecting lines (2.3 cm), as is the case in all the antler votives from Magrè.

Further references: Kretschmer 1932, Battisti 1936: 497 f., Vetter 1943: 80, Kretschmer 1943: 175, 178, 189, Kretschmer 1949, Vetter 1954: 73 f., Mayr 1956b: 245, Pisani 1964: 318 (no. 134g), Pellegrini & Prosdocimi 1967: 158, Tibiletti Bruno 1967: 1 ff., Tibiletti Bruno 1978: 236 f., Morandi 1982: 199 f. (no. 75).


Battisti 1936 Carlo Battisti, "Rivista Linguistica Etrusca 1932-35 (Prima puntata)", Studi Etruschi 10 (1936), 488–517.
IR Alberto Mancini, "Iscrizioni retiche", Studi Etruschi 43 (1975), 249–306.
Kretschmer 1932 Paul Kretschmer, "Die Etruskerfrage und die Inschriften von Magrè", in: Axel Nelson (Ed.), Symbolae philologicae O.A. Danielsson Octogenario dicatae, Uppsala: 1932, 134–142.
Kretschmer 1943 Paul Kretschmer, "Die vorgriechischen Sprach- und Volksschichten (Fortsetzung)", Glotta 30 (1943), 84–218.
Kretschmer 1949 Paul Kretschmer, "Wem waren die raetischen Täfelchen von Magrè geweiht?", Die Sprache 1 (1949), 30–36.
LIR Alberto Mancini, Le Iscrizioni Retiche [= Quaderni del dipartimento di linguistica, Università degli studi di Firenze Studi 8–9], Padova: Unipress 2009–10. (2 volumes)
Mayr 1956b Karl M. Mayr, "Hirschhornvotive aus den rätischen Bergen", Der Schlern 30 (1956), 245–246.