
From Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum
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Customary name: L punctuation ligature
Represents: l + syllable structure

Variants and attestation

Transliteration Sinistroverse Dextroverse
  Glyph Number Glyph Number
Lpunct Lpunct.png 1 Lpunctd.png 1
Lpunct2 Lpunct2.png 2 Lpunct2d.png 3

The inscribed punctuation marks are exclusively syllabic puncts (as opposed to word separators). Lpunct s with a dot is used in the inscriptions of Serso, while Rpunct2 s with a short line is preferred in Magrè (cp. Rpunct and Mpunct). Lpunct s being attested in combination with Rpunct s, it is filed as a ligature in TIR, but note that the punct is essentially just placed under the bar, which must not necessarily always be considered an inscribed punct, but may in some cases simply be due to space-saving or chance. This is probably the case in TV-1.1. See Script for general information on ligatures.