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Transliteration: auliaịạ
Original script: A7 dU3 dL dI dA7 dI dA5 d
Variant Reading: §

Object: NO-9 fibula (bronze)
Position: upper area"upper area" is not in the list (front, back, top, bottom, inside, outside, neck, shoulder, foot, handle, ...) of allowed values for the "position" property.
Script: unknown
Direction of writing: ambiguous
Letter height: 0.10.1 cm <br /> – 0.5 cm
Number of lines: 1
Craftsmanship: embossed
Current condition: complete
Archaeological culture: La Tène D [from object]
Date of inscription: early 1st century BC [from object]
Date derived from: typology [from object]

Language: unknown

Alternative sigla: LIR ME-7
Sources: Schumacher 2004: 152, 336 f.


First published in Schumacher 1992.
Pictures in Gehring 1976: Taf. 17 (drawing) = Schumacher 2004: Taf. 2,1 (drawing) and LIR (drawing).
Inscribed from the head towards the foot of the fibula, the signs getting ever smaller. Length 1.6 cm. The strokes cross the casting seam. If the signs are letters and are segmented as above, the writer must have struck the lower part of the second A7 d twice, because the first stroke came out too straight. Nedoma 1995 regards the last two signs as marks designating the end of the line (p. 28, Fn. 42). Pseudo-script cannot be excluded; the strokes can also be arranged into a reasonably symmetrical zig-zag pattern.


Gehring 1976 Brigitte Gehring, "Die Fibeln von Mechel (Meclo) im Nonsberg", Archaeologia Austriaca 59–60 (1976), 143–173.
LIR Alberto Mancini, Le Iscrizioni Retiche [= Quaderni del dipartimento di linguistica, Università degli studi di Firenze Studi 8–9], Padova: Unipress 2009–10. (2 volumes)