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This page lists properties and their usage counts available for this wiki. For up-to-date count statistics it is recommended that the property statistics maintenance script is run on a regular basis. For a differentiated view, see the unused or wanted properties special pages.

List of properties

  1. province of type Text (118 uses)
  2. region of type Text (83 uses)
  3. script of type Text (768 uses)
  4. showonpage of type Page (925 uses)
  5. sigla group of type Text (453 uses)
  6. sigla ir of type Text (138 uses)
  7. sigla mancini of type Text (256 uses)
  8. sigla mlr of type Text (208 uses)
  9. sigla pid of type Text (84 uses)
  10. sigla tm of type Text (388 uses)
  11. sign number + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  12. sign number max + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  13. site of type Page (382 uses)
  14. size depth + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  15. size diameter + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  16. size height + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  17. size width + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  18. sortdate of type Number (1,017 uses)
  19. sortdate find of type Number (144 uses)
  20. sortform of type Text (2,710 uses)
  21. sortform cval of type Text (186 uses)
  22. sortform cval reverse of type Text (164 uses)
  23. sortform ir of type Text (390 uses)
  24. sortform mancini of type Text (390 uses)
  25. sortform mlr of type Text (389 uses)
  26. sortform pid of type Text (390 uses)
  27. sortform reverse + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  28. sortform tm of type Text (389 uses)
  29. source of type Page (4 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  30. stem class + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  31. tense of type Text (7 uses)
  32. text plain of type Text (1,328 uses)
  33. title of type Text (925 uses)
  34. type of type Text (267 uses)
  35. type copyright of type Text (1,156 uses)
  36. type image of type Text (964 uses)
  37. type inscription of type Text (56 uses)
  38. type morpheme of type Text (11 uses)
  39. type museum of type Text (76 uses)
  40. type object of type Text (297 uses)
  41. type phoneme of type Text (7 uses)
  42. type reference of type Text (1,130 uses)
  43. type source + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  44. type word of type Text (153 uses)
  45. voice + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  46. weight + of type Quantity (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  47. word of type Page (638 uses)
  48. word number + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  49. word variant + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/wiki/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>