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Other finds from Ardez include two pieces of antler not unlike those found in Magrè and Montesei di Serso (Rätisches Museum Chur, inv. nos P1973, 2838 and P 1973, 2837 resp.). Both bear intentional scratches (strokes, St. Andrew's crosses and asterisks), but not script. (Drawings in Risch 1984: 28, Abb. 10a and 10b = Risch 1989: 1586, fig. 8 and 9.) Risch also mentions a small formed piece of bone from Scuol / Schuls, about 7 km downstream from Ardez (Rätisches Museum Chur, inv. no. P1964, 98). The function of the object, which has seven small holes drilled into it, is unclear; it bears many scratches which cannot be segmented into letters, but might be considered pseudo-script. (Drawing in Risch 1984: 28, Abb. 11 = Risch 1989: 1586, fig. 10.)
Caduff 2007
Bruno Caduff, "Ardez-Suotchastè. Eine urgeschichtliche Fundstelle im Unterengadin (GR)", Jahrbuch der Historischen Gesellschaft von Graubünden (= 137. Jahresbericht der Historischen Gesellschaft) (2007), 5–98.