VN-16 bone point

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Classification: bone
Archaeological type: bone point
Material: bone
Size: length: 9.5 cm, width: 1.3 cm, height: 6.5 mm
Condition: fragmentary
Date: 3rd–1st centuries BC
Date derived from: archaeological context

Site: Schluderns / Sluderno (Bozen / Bolzano, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy)
Field name: Ganglegg
Coordinates (approx.): 46° 39' 50.40" N, 10° 35' 6.00" E [from site]
Find date: 2001
Find circumstances: probably excavation
Current location: Vintschger Museum / Museo della Val Venosta (on exhibition)
Inventory Nr.: G 2001.211

Inscription: VN-16 (?aris)

Sources: Gamper 2006: 125–129, fig. 63.13



Bone point.
Animal bone, not further classified.
Like all the bone findings on the Ganglegg hill the bone point dates to the 3rd–1st centuries BC (cp. Gamper & Steiner 1999: 50–51).



Gamper 2006 Peter Gamper, Die latènezeitliche Besiedlung am Ganglegg in Südtirol. Neue Forschungen zur Fritzens-Sanzeno-Kultur [= Internationale Archäologie 91], Rahden/Westfalen: Leidorf 2006.
Gamper & Steiner 1999 Peter Gamper, Hubert Steiner, Das Ganglegg bei Schluderns. Eine befestigte bronze- und eisenzeitliche Siedlung im oberen Vinschgau, Bozen: Athesia 1999.
Lora & Ruta Serafini 1992 Silvana Lora, Angela Ruta Serafini, "Il gruppo Magrè", in: Ingrid R. Metzger, Paul Gleirscher, Die Räter / I Reti [= Schriftenreihe der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alpenländer, Neue Folge 4], Bozen: Athesia 1992, 247–272.
Marchesini 2014 Simona Marchesini, "Nuove iscrizioni retiche da Cles e Sanzeno (Trento)", in: Rosa Roncador, Franco Nicolis, Antichi popoli delle Alpi. Sviluppi culturali durante l'età del Ferro nei territori alpini centro-orientali (Atti della giornata internazionale di studi 1 maggio 2010 Sanzeno, Trento), Trento: Provincia autonoma di Trento. Soprintendenza per i beni architettonici e archeologici 2014, 127–144.