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|location=Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Verona
|location=Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Verona
|source=Schumacher 2004: 171; LIR: 218–219
|source=Mayr 1958: 41–42 (No. II) with photo; Nothdurfter 2002: 1148 (list 3, No. 4)
== Commentary ==
Antler tenon, not shaped as a grip; on one side sawed through, on the other side slivered broken. On this side the hole for hanging. The hole surface is polished. At the longer side of the antler tenon an [[index::VR-2|inscription||this side]].

Revision as of 16:41, 27 January 2014

Classification: antler
Material: antler
Size: length 13.5 cm
Condition: fragmentary

Site: San Briccio (fraction of: Lavagno, Verona, Veneto, Italy)
Coordinates (approx.): 45° 27' 18.00" N, 11° 7' 8.40" E [from site]
Find date: 1883
Current location: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Verona
Inventory Nr.: none

Inscription: VR-2 (malav·zn)

Sources: Mayr 1958: 41–42 (No. II) with photo
Nothdurfter 2002: 1148 (list 3, No. 4)


Antler tenon, not shaped as a grip; on one side sawed through, on the other side slivered broken. On this side the hole for hanging. The hole surface is polished. At the longer side of the antler tenon an inscription.


Cipolla 1884 Carlo Cipolla, "III. Lavagno", Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità (1884), 4–13.
Gambacurta 2002b Giovanna Gambacurta, "Manufatti iscritti in osso o corno", in: Giovanna Gambacurta, Daniela Locatelli, Luigi Malnati, Patrizia Manessi, Anna Marinetti, Giovanna Luisa Ravagnan (Eds), Akeo. I tempi della scrittura. Veneti antichi: alfabeti e documenti, 121–126.
Mancini & Prosdocimi 1976 Alberto Mancini, Aldo Luigi Prosdocimi, "Nota sui Corni Iscritti di S. Briccio di Lavagno e sul "Retico"", in: Alessandra Aspes (Red.), 3000 anni fa a Verona. Dalla fine dell'età del Bronzo all'arrivo dei romani nel territorio Veronese, Verona: 1976, 111–122.
Mayr 1958 Karl M. Mayr, "Hirschhörner mit etrusko-rätischen Inschriften aus S. Briccio di Lavagno (Verona)", Der Schlern 32 (1958), 41–42.