SZ-33 hoe

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Classification: hoe
Material: iron
Size: length: 22.8 cm, width: 10 cm, thickness: 1.2 cm
Condition: complete
Archaeological culture: Hallstatt D
Date: 7th–5th centuries BC
Date derived from: typology

Site: Sanzeno (Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy)
Coordinates (approx.): 46° 21' 57.60" N, 11° 4' 30.00" E [from site]
Find date: before 1903
Find circumstances: old finding
Current location: Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum (repository)
Inventory Nr.: 12.328

Inscription: SZ-33 (þine)

Sources: Franz 1959: 228, pl. 1
Nothdurfter 1979: 127 (No. 359) pl. 29



Iron hoe with tang.
Size of the hoe: length 23,8cm, width 10,9cm.
The extreme top forcibly deformed, however there are no further traces for abrasion, except for the hammer blows on the outer side of the blade.
On the shaft tang there are characters.
There are no detailed informations about the find circumstances. It is only known that the hoe was acquired by the Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum with other discoveries of Sanzeno from the antiquary Josef Schenk from Meran / Merano 13th November, 1903 (cp. Franz 1959: 228).
The hoe is typical to comparable objects of Sanzeno. There are two versions of these hoes: the shaft tang of one type is curved outward, an inward curving of the shaft tang is typical for the other model (cp. Franz 1959: 228).
According to Franz probably the late Hallstatt period could be taken as dating (cp. Franz 1959: 228).
Autopsied by the Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum in November 2013.



Franz 1959 Leonhard Franz, "Rätische Inschriften im Innsbrucker Landesmuseum", Der Schlern 33 (1959), 228–229.