
From Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum
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Province: Benedikt
Country: Slovenia
Coordinates: 46° 36' 9.48" N, 15° 52' 31.88" E

Objects: SL-2 helmet (bronze)
Field names: Obrat


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The village Ženjak (German Schöniak), today in Slovenia, belongs to the community Benedikt (Germ. St. Benedikten) in the Slovenske gorice (Windische Bühel) in the region Spodnja Štajerska (Untersteiermark). It is famous as the site of the Negau helmet hoard find (on the Obrat farm), which is named not after the village Negau (Slov. Negova) about 4 km to the east, but after the district Negau, to which Ženjak belonged at the time of the find.