
From Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum
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Description: Short information about a page
Type: Text
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Object `PU-2 loom weight´ with inscription `PU-2´.  +
Object `PU-3 loom weight´ with inscription `PU-3´ - front side.  +
Object `PU-3 loom weight´ with inscription `PU-3´ - rear side.  +
Inscription `PU-3´.  +
Inscription `PU-3´.  +
Object `PU-4 plaque´ with inscription `PU-4´ - front side.  +
Object `PU-4 plaque´ with inscription `PU-4´ - rear side.  +
Object `PU-4 plaque´ with inscription `PU-4´ - sideview.  +
Object `PU-4 plaque´ with inscription `PU-4´ - sideview.  +
Object `PU-4 plaque´ - sideview.  +
Object `PU-4 plaque´ - sideview.  +
Inscription `PU-1´.  +
This category contains templates for the major part of pages.  +
This category is populated '''automatically''' with pages linking to a non-existing file.  +
This category is populated '''automatically''' by the '''MediaWiki''' software. It contains pages that issue too many expensive parser function calls  +
Pd.png  +
This category contains pages representing Raetic phonemes.  +
This category contains all pages and categories concerning the project Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum (i.e. "meta pages").  +
This category contains all pages for page properties.  +
Examples of the orientation of an inscription on an object  +