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Description: Normalised form of a name (e.g. of an author)
Type: Text
Note: Used as functional substitute for Property:name, Property:author.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Gerard Kaltenhauser  +
Gerard Kaltenhauser  +
Raimund Karl  +, Jutta Leskovar  +
Alfons Kasseroler  +
Alfons Kasseroler  +
Dorothy Kent Hill  +
Margarethe Kirchmayr  +, Stefan Schumacher  +
Heinz Klingenberg  +
Sindy Kluge  +, Corinna Salomon  +
Sindy Kluge  +
Georg Kossack  +
Wolfgang Krause  +, Herbert Jankuhn  +
Paul Kretschmer  +
Paul Kretschmer  +
Paul Kretschmer  +
Paul Kretschmer  +
Paul Kretschmer  +
Karl Kromer  +
Heinz Kronasser  +
Werner Krämer  +