
From Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum
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Description: Short information about a page
Type: Text
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Map of North Italic inscriptions.  +
Describes the broad class of substances of which the object consists.  +
Provides a description of the meaning or a translation of the text.  +
Defines the normalised form of a morpheme, that is, the morpheme's pagename.  +
Describes in general terms the contents of an image.  +
Specifies the customary name of an item.  +
Normalised form of a name (e.g. of an author)  +
Specifies the behaviour of the word in respect to the grammatical category "number".  +
Specifies the object on which the inscription is found.  +
Direction (in degrees) of the baseline of an inscription in relation to its object.  +
Is an auxilliary property to provide the name of a file's page without an additional query.  +
Specifies the grammatical category "person".  +
Defines the normalised form of a phoneme, that is, the phoneme's pagename.  +
Describes the location of the inscription on the object.  +
This project internal property specifies difficult, uncertain, and questionable entries on a page  +
Specifies the name of the team member associated with the text.  +
Specifies the canton (Switzerland), provincia (Italy), département (France), Bundesland (Germany, Austria), and municipality (Slovenia) to which a site or museum belongs.  +
punctuation.png  +
punctuation10.png  +
punctuation10d.png  +