User:Corinna Salomon/maps

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Marker C1 red.png sinistroverse (176); Marker C2 yellow.png dextroverse (60); Marker C3 green.png mixed (2); Marker C4 blue.png ambiguous (99); Marker C3 green.png unknown (39);

Word separation and syllabic punctuation in Raetic:

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Marker C Maroon.png grid lines (2);

Marker C Chocolate.png word separation (punctuation2 s, punctuation3 s, punctuation4 s, punctuation5 s) (6);

Marker C Goldenrod.png word separation or syllabic punctuation (punctuation s) (7);

Marker C Gold.png syllabic punctuation (punctuation7 s, punctuation8 s, punctuation9 s, punctuation11 s) (24);

Marker C Khaki.png ligatures with punct (11)