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Transliteration: lastaθianuesiunne / pitiekapaśunu
Original script: E sN sN sU4 sI sS dE sU4 sN sA dI sΘ sA5 sT3 sS dA5 sL2 s
U4 sN sU4 sŚ sA5 sP2 sA5 sK sE sI sT3 sI sP2 s
Variant Reading: lastaθianuesiunne / pitiekapaśunu

Object: SZ-15 bronze (bronze)
(Inscriptions: SZ-15.1, SZ-15.2)
Position: front
Script: North Italic script (Sanzeno alphabet)
Direction of writing: sinistroverse
Letter height: 0.70.7 cm <br /> – 1.2 cm
Number of letters: 30
Number of lines: 2
Craftsmanship: embossed
Current condition: complete
Date of inscription: 5th–1st centuries BC [from object]
Date derived from: archaeological context [from object]

Language: Raetic
Meaning: 'Lasta, son of Θia*, Esiunne (and) Pitie, son of (Ka)paśu'

Alternative sigla: IR 28
LIR SA-3 a
TM 218385
Sources: Schumacher 2004: 135, 336



First published in Pellegrini 1951: 315 f. (no. 15a). Autopsied by TIR in October 2014.

Images in Pellegrini 1951: no. 15a (photo) and 313 (15a) (drawing), LIR (photo and drawing = IR).

Inscribed on the front of the bronze in two sinistroverse lines running along the edges, with the top of the letters toward the centre. It cannot be securely determined which line should be read first. Our line 1 starts at the head (length 7.5 cm), line 2 starts at the tail fin (length 6 cm). The letters are well legible, despite problems posed by the bulges above the back fins. The inscription was applied after the hole was drilled, as the lines of second A5 s stop short before it. In line 2, the left hasta of A5 s is bent to avoid the bulge above the fin.

Line 1 can be segmented into three words: two individual names lasta and esiunne, and a patronymic in -nu. Line 2 can be segmented into the single individual name pitie plus patronymic. Of these five names, lasta and pitie are well documented, esiunne is highly likely to correspond to either esimne or esumne. While the latter might theoretically belong with either of the two patronymics ('Lasta, son of Θia*, and Esiunne; Pitie, son of Kapaśu' vs. 'Lasta, son of Θia*; Esiunne (and) Pitie, sons of Kapaśu', it is more likely to belong with line 1, seeing as both lines terminate before the end of the object is reached – if no separation of two name formulas had been attempted, pitie could well have fit into line 1. In either case, the sequence pitiekapaśunu might be segmented pitieka with the enclitical conjunction 'and' plus the patronymic paśunu. It remains to be decided whether the two lines belong to the same inscription, i.e. whether they were inscribed at one time (indicating three persons investing into an offering together), or whether one of the lines documents a reuse of the object. The overall ductus of the two lines is very similar, but this is true of a number of the Sanzeno bronze inscriptions.

Further references: Pellegrini 1951: 327 f., Mayr 1952: 176 f. (15b), Vetter 1954: 70 (15b).


IR Alberto Mancini, "Iscrizioni retiche", Studi Etruschi 43 (1975), 249–306.
LIR Alberto Mancini, Le Iscrizioni Retiche [= Quaderni del dipartimento di linguistica, Università degli studi di Firenze Studi 8–9], Padova: Unipress 2009–10. (2 volumes)
Mayr 1952 Karl M. Mayr, "Zu den Inschriften der Votive von Sanzeno", Der Schlern 26 (1952), 175–177.