
From Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum
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Description: Defines the regional variant of the writing system of the inscription, in particular of the North Italic script.
Type: Text
Allows value: Venetic alphabet, Magrè alphabet, Sanzeno alphabet, Lugano alphabet, ?


See Property:script for preliminaries, and Script for further information.

Venetic alphabet

Used as a cover term for the various Venetic alphabets (e.g. Archaic Venetic, Este alphabet, Padua alphabet), which differ from each other most clearly by their use of different letters for writing dentals. As a group, the Venetic alphabets are distinguished by "inverted" Upsilon U s and Lambda L s, a unique form of Heta H4 s, and syllabic punctuation, though exceptions can be found throughout the Venetic area. Alpha often appears as addA1 s. Looking at individual Venetic alphabets, the use of Zeta Z s for /d/ (Este alphabet) or of Theta addΘ3 s for /t/ (Padova alphabet) can be considered typical. As in early Etruscan, the digraph <vh> is used to write /f/. Further differences to the Raetic alphabets (Sanzeno and Magrè) as a whole are Mu addM1 s with four bars and the presence of Omikron. However, seeing as the Raetic writing tradition continues the Venetic one, some suspension of differences must be expected in areas/phases of transition (e.g. three-bar M s in the Venetic inscriptions of Vicenza). Apart from the odd Celtic name, the Venetic alphabets proper are not known to write any languages other than Venetic, but sporadic testimonies have been found beyond the Venetic area (e.g. *It 1 in the Inn valley).

Characters: A.pngA2.pngA2d.pngA3.pngA3d.pngA4.pngA4d.pngAd.pngE.pngEd.pngI.pngId.pngL.pngL2.pngL2d.pngL4.pngL4d.pngLd.pngM.pngMd.pngN.pngNd.pngP2.pngP2d.pngP5.pngP5d.pngR.pngR2.pngR2d.pngRd.pngRpunct.pngRpunct2.pngRpunct2d.pngRpunctd.pngU.pngU2.pngU2d.pngU3.pngU3d.pngUd.pngV.pngVd.pngZ.pngZd.pngaddA1.pngaddA1d.pngaddA3.pngaddA3d.pngaddA4.pngaddA4d.pngaddM1.pngaddM1d.pngaddO1.pngaddO2.pngaddO4.pngaddP1.pngaddP1d.pngaddT2.pngaddT2d.pngaddT3.pngaddT3d.pngaddZ1.pngaddZ1d.pngaddZ2.pngaddZ2d.pngaddZ3.pngaddZ5.pngaddŚ1.pngaddŚ1d.pngaddΘ5.pngpunctuation7.pngpunctuation7d.pngŚ.pngŚd.pngΘ.pngΘ2.pngΘ2d.pngΘd.pngΦ2.pngΦ2d.pngΦ3.pngΦ3d.pngΧ.pngΧ3.pngΧ3d.pngΧ4.pngΧ4d.pngΧd.png

Magrè alphabet

Named after the site of Magrè, where the first substantial Raetic inscription find was made. It is prevalent in the South and the North of the Raetic area, more precisely in the valleys of the Alpine foothills connecting the area of Trento with the Padan plain, and in the Wipp, Puster and Inn valleys of North Tyrol, as well as in the rock inscriptions. The Magrè alphabet is close to the Venetic alphabets, featuring the "inverted" forms of Upsilon U s and Lambda L s typical for Venetic. Syllabic punctuation is only used erratically. The characteristics distinguishing it from the Venetic group are M s with only three bars, and the lack of Omikron. Typical, but not exclusive are two characteristics pertaining to writing direction: Sigma with the upper angle opening against writing direction (←S d), and Alpha with the bar slanting downward against writing direction (←A3 d). Heta appears with three bars H3 s. The special character Þ s appears only in Magrè itself, and is not an identifying feature for the alphabet as a whole. See T for a discussion pertaining to whether the character T4 s might be considered to belong to the Magrè alphabet.

Characters: A.pngA11.pngA11d.pngA12.pngA12d.pngA13.pngA13d.pngA14.pngA14d.pngA15.pngA15d.pngA2.pngA2d.pngA3.pngA3d.pngA4.pngA4d.pngA7.pngA7d.pngA8.pngA8d.pngAd.pngE.pngE2.pngE2d.pngE3.pngE3d.pngE4.pngE4d.pngE5.pngE5d.pngEd.pngI.pngI2.pngI2d.pngId.pngL.pngL3.pngL3d.pngL4.pngL4d.pngLT.pngLTd.pngLd.pngLpunct.pngLpunct2.pngLpunct2d.pngLpunctd.pngM.pngMd.pngMpunct.pngMpunctd.pngN.pngN2.pngN2d.pngNU.pngNUd.pngNd.pngP.pngP3.pngP3d.pngP4.pngP4d.pngP5.pngP5d.pngPd.pngR.pngR2.pngR2d.pngRd.pngRpunct.pngRpunct2.pngRpunct2d.pngRpunctd.pngU.pngU3.pngU3d.pngU5.pngU5d.pngUd.pngV.pngV2.pngV2d.pngV3.pngV3d.pngV4.pngV4d.pngVd.pngZ.pngZ2.pngZ2d.pngZ4.pngZ4d.pngZd.pngpunctuation.pngpunctuation10.pngpunctuation10d.pngpunctuation11.pngpunctuation11d.pngpunctuation7.pngpunctuation7d.pngpunctuation8.pngpunctuation9.pngpunctuation9d.pngpunctuationd.pngÞ.pngÞ2.pngÞ2d.pngÞd.pngŚ.pngŚ2.pngŚ2d.pngŚd.pngΘ.pngΘ2.pngΘ2d.pngΘd.pngΦ.pngΦ2.pngΦ2d.pngΦ3.pngΦ3d.pngΦ4.pngΦ4d.pngΦd.pngΧ.pngΧ2.pngΧ2d.pngΧ3.pngΧ3d.pngΧd.png

Sanzeno alphabet

A.k.a. "Bolzano alphabet" prior to the Sanzeno findings. The variety is used in the central area of the Raetic area, i.e. roughly the Nonsberg, the upper Etsch valley (including the Unterland and the Vinschgau) and the Eisack valley. It shares with the Magrè alphabet the characteristics consequently considered typically Raetic: lack of Omikron, three-bar M s and orientation of ←A d (exclusive) and ←S d (almost exclusive). The main difference consists in the shapes of Upsilon, Lambda and Pi, which correspond to those used in Western Transpadania (Lugano alphabet) rather than in the Venetic East: Upsilon U2 s and Lambda L2 s, and Pi P2 s with a simple bar instead of an angle. Tau appears in the peculiar shape T3 s (see T); the special character has the form Þ3 s. Heta appears with two bars H2 s. Syllabic punctuation (or vestiges of it) are absent, but word separation does occur.

Characters: A.pngA10.pngA10d.pngA15.pngA15d.pngA2.pngA2d.pngA3.pngA3d.pngA4.pngA4d.pngA5.pngA5d.pngA6.pngA6d.pngA7.pngA7d.pngA8.pngA8d.pngA9.pngA9d.pngAd.pngE.pngE2.pngE2d.pngEd.pngI.pngI2.pngI2d.pngId.pngL2.pngL2d.pngLT.pngLTd.pngM.pngMd.pngN.pngNd.pngP2.pngP2d.pngR.pngR2.pngR2d.pngRd.pngU2.pngU2d.pngU4.pngU4d.pngV.pngV3.pngV3d.pngVd.pngZ3d.pngpunctuation.pngpunctuation2.pngpunctuation2d.pngpunctuation3.pngpunctuation3d.pngpunctuation4.pngpunctuation4d.pngpunctuationd.pngÞ3.pngÞ3d.pngŚ.pngŚd.pngΘ.pngΘd.pngΦ.pngΦ2.pngΦ2d.pngΦ3.pngΦ3d.pngΦ4.pngΦ4d.pngΦd.pngΧ.pngΧ3.pngΧ3d.pngΧd.png

Lugano alphabet

Epigraphically, virtually indistinguishable from Etruscan, save by particular shapes of San and presence of Omikron. Pi always appears as P2 s, never with an angle; A3 s develops into addA3 s. Where the language is identifiable, the Lugano alphabet writes varieties of Celtic. Geographically, points of contact between the Celtic and Raetic corpora are the lower Vallagarina and potentially the upper Inn valley.

Characters: A.pngA2.pngA2d.pngA3.pngA3d.pngA4.pngA4d.pngAd.pngE.pngE3.pngE3d.pngEd.pngI.pngId.pngL.pngL2.pngL2d.pngLd.pngM.pngMd.pngN.pngNd.pngP2.pngP2d.pngR.pngR2.pngR2d.pngRd.pngU.pngU2.pngU2d.pngU4.pngU4d.pngUd.pngV.pngV3.pngV3d.pngVd.pngZ.pngZ2.pngZ2d.pngZ3.pngZ3d.pngZd.pngaddA3.pngaddA3d.pngpunctuation.pngpunctuation11.pngpunctuation11d.pngpunctuation2.pngpunctuation2d.pngpunctuation3.pngpunctuation3d.pngpunctuation4.pngpunctuation4d.pngpunctuationd.pngŚ.pngŚ2.pngŚ2d.pngŚd.pngΘ.pngΘd.pngΧ.pngΧ3.pngΧ3d.pngΧ4.pngΧ4d.pngΧd.png

Note that the question mark in brackets does not express incertitude concerning the alphabet, but qualifies the reliability of ascription to the script.


Distribution of North Italic inscriptions per alphabet:

Loading map...
  Magrè alphabet (68)
  Sanzeno alphabet (56)
  Venetic alphabet (0)
  Lugano alphabet (0)


Number of pages in the Category:Inscription (129) per "alphabet":

alphabet occurrence  
Venetic alphabet
0 0.00 % show list
Magrè alphabet
69 53.48 % show list
Sanzeno alphabet
60 46.51 % show list
Lugano alphabet
0 0.00 % show list
0 0.00 % show list

Number of pages in the Category:File (185) per "alphabet":

alphabet occurrence  
Venetic alphabet
88 47.56 % show list
Magrè alphabet
131 70.81 % show list
Sanzeno alphabet
79 42.70 % show list
Lugano alphabet
68 36.75 % show list
0 0.00 % show list
Showing 100 pages using this property.
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +, Sanzeno alphabet  +,
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Sanzeno alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Sanzeno alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +, Sanzeno alphabet  +,
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +, Sanzeno alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +, Sanzeno alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +, Sanzeno alphabet  +,
Magrè alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Lugano alphabet  +
Sanzeno alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Magrè alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Magrè alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +, Lugano alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +
Venetic alphabet  +

Showing 10 related entities (more are available).

The request is being processed and may take a moment. Preparing ...
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "Venetic alphabet", "Magrè alphabet", "Sanzeno alphabet", "Lugano alphabet", "?" ] } }